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  The Gift of Astrology


A chart is cast for the moment of our birth and symbolically shows the deeper purpose of our life, as well as our potentials and tendencies.  When we have clarity about ourselves, we can make conscious choices in our life. Astrology shows us who we can grow and evolve to become. 


Another benefit of an Astrology chart reading is the insights  we can learn about our character.  Character is our destiny.  By consciously becoming aware of our patterns, changing our thoughts, words and actions we can make major strides in improving our character. Hidden beneath the old fearful unconscious habits we wake up to find our powerful authentic loving self.

Interpreting a horoscope is both an art and science. The science is the understanding of the observations and correlation of patterns of the planetary symbols. The art is the intuitive awareness that comes with the deeper knowing developed from immersing oneself into the magic of Astrology.  After 25 years of using the gift of Astrology I am continuously amazed at the unfoldment of life revealed in an astrology chart.

I will always be grateful for my profoundly gifted astrology teacher Jeff Green.  He truly blessed my life with his amazingly thorough teachings of Evolutionary Astrology and Spiritual insights that awakened me to my path.

A Happy Life

 - by Jeffrey Wolf Green -

Demonstrate a very sincere wish to know God and the Truth;

Do as much as possible to connect with a Higher Power in Direct Experience.

Then connect the personal will with the power of the Supreme will.

Develop the awareness of what the Supreme Power wants to create through the Soul 

and Just Do It!!!

This is Happiness

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